Selling Styles Workshops

The style Logix Workshop aims to equip sales managers with a model to help them identify and reinforce their sales team’s selling styles.

There Are Various Selling Style Personalities Which Sales People May Have. Instead Of Force-Fitting Your Sales Team Members Into Somebody Else’s Mold, Why Not Get Some Real Insight With Our Style Logix Workshop Into Their Own Individual Selling Behaviour? 

Unlocking sales success through adaptive selling techniques

Many salespeople are increasingly pressured into accepting the dogma that there is only one right way of selling. Forcing yourself or your sales team to maintain and fit into a particular selling technique can lead you to work less efficiently and make you feel uncomfortable in your job, resulting in a lack of sales and contact initiation.

Based on a pioneering six-factor model developed by George Dudley and Shannon Goodson, The Style Logix Workshop introduces sales professionals to six effective selling styles and reveals how identifying a true adaptive selling approach for each sales person can mean more successful presentations and more closed sales.

The aim of the Style Logix Workshop is to ultimately equip sales managers with a model to help them identify, redirect and reinforce their sales team’s selling styles. Understanding what selling style suits your sales team members best will help to optimise their selling skills and enable them to enhance their strengths and minimize their weaknesses. 

Your answer indicates that your primary selling behaviour is likely to emphasize personal dependability, meeting obligations, fulfilling or exceeding clients expectations and most of all keeping commitments. Since this style is clearly centred on what you as a salesperson agrees to do for the buyer after the sales, it is called Service Oriented Selling.

If you want to know more order our brochure about selling styles and do the test SSPA to find out your combination of the six different selling styles. Due to this style we presume (if the style is correct for you) you would like to start knowing a little more about us and our values. 

Your answer indicates that your selling behaviours are likely to be organized around persuasion and directive interpersonal “influencing”. These behavioural themes are most often found in Salespeople who describe sales in terms of outcome and enjoy engaging in competitive selling efforts. That is why we call the style Competition Oriented Selling Style If you want to know more order our brochure about selling styles and do the test SSPA to find out your combination of the six different selling styles. Due to this style we presume (if the style is correct for you) you would like to start knowing a little more about what you can expect in return of the investment and if we have any special offers for you. 

Your answer indicates that your selling behaviours are more featuring “merchandising” and “packaging” a professional self image. This may include developing professional sounding presentation language and using sophisticated supports and illustrations. Since the repetitive selling behaviours associated with this style centre around the management of a credible image for you the style is called Image Oriented Selling.

If you want to know more order our brochure about selling styles and do the test SSPA to find out your combination of the six different selling styles. Due to this style we presume (if the style is correct for you) you would like to start knowing a little more about the references we have. 

Your answer indicates that you are a sales person focusing of discovering existing client needs that can be filled by the product or services you are selling, rather than creating need in the client. Since the style centres around identifying client’s needs, it is referred to as Need Oriented Selling.

If you want to know more order our brochure about selling styles and do the test SSPA to find out your combination of the six different selling styles. Due to this style we presume (if the style is correct for you) you would like to start knowing what needs we cover with our products and services. 

Your answer indicates that you are a sales person who´s primary selling style is focused describing, outlining, explaining and detailing product features and benefits. Because this style tends to feature product specifications it is referred to as Product Oriented Selling

If you want to know more order our brochure about selling styles and do the test SSPA to find out your combination of the six different selling styles. Due to this style we presume (if the style is correct for you) you would like to start knowing the characteristics of the products we are selling. 

Your answer indicates that you are a sales person that involve behaviour patterns that emphasize the interpersonal element of the sales process –especially those that are thought to facilitate the development of rapport, caring and trust. This approach is customer- or client-centred rather than product, credibility, need or service centred. It is called Rapport Oriented Selling.

If you want to know more order our brochure about selling styles and do the test SSPA to find out your combination of the six different selling styles. Due to this style we presume (if the style is correct for you) you would like to start knowing who we are as our background, experience. 

Through the workshop you will be able to:

How can one identify the different selling styles in their sales team?

During the workshop, you will be presented with the Selling Styles Profile Analysis™ (SSPA), a scientific assessment based on Dudley and Goodson’s six-factor model. This is an assessment which provides a detailed report of the strengths and possible limitation of a salesperson’s primary selling styles. During the workshop you will learn how to implement the test on your sales team members and on your organization as a whole.

The SSPA Assessment reviews an organisation’s actual approach to selling. It can be used to identify a person’s primary selling styles as well as a guide to understand whether sales training is necessary for your team. 

The SSPA Assessment:

Why not try?

If you want to know more or are interested in this program, please contact us for more information or a proposal.