Accreditation in CSI

Accreditation in Career Style Inventory is a workshop that will teach you how to use the CSI – Career Styles Inventory assessment tool.

For years, scholars and business managers have recognized that moving the right people in the wrong work culture or setting can negatively influence both the individual and the organization. 

With Accreditation in Career Style Inventory we strive to bring the solution to this problem and equip company’s managers with assessment tool that will help place right people in the right work culture.
The CareerStyles Inventory or CSI™ is a comprehensive assessment of personality-like influences on behavior at work. It creates a detailed profile of work-related preferences, perfect for building teams, evaluating corporate “fit,” assessing partnerships and more.

Not a broad-brush “personality” test, the CSI – Career Style Inventory avoids potential legal pitfalls that can result from asking questions which are personal, intrusive, or not clearly related to employment situations. All questions focus on work-related preferences and provide straightforward, “need to know” information to help employers and individuals make important career development decisions.

The CSI contains five major assessment areas:

Comprehensive Assessment for Informed Hiring Decisions

Career style is a big test with over 300 questions and measure many different areas such as how we behave, understand things and what our mind sets are focused on. It gives a really good picture over a person´s way of thinking in a lot of areas that are important for many different jobs. If you are interested to know much more about people before employing them this instrument can give you just that.

Why not try?

If you want to know more or are interested in this program, please contact us for more information or a proposal.